Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Don't push...

I was told this by a saruriman oji-san on the train this evening. I guess it was OK for him to pig headedly refuse to move a bit so I didn't HAVE to push/lean on him, but not for me to give him a "hint" as to which direction he should move. I guess his need to read his newspaper was more important than everyone else's right to get on the train. I told him to take a step forward (and he would have had more room), but the turd wouldn't budge. So I just leaned the full weight of my left arm/side on his right shoulder. A four inch slide forward with his right leg would have alleviated the need for me to be up his ass, nevermind the fact that when I first got in the spot there was room because the prick wasn't reading the paper. When he started reading he leaned back into me to compensate for the "weight" of those oh-so-heavy sheets of paper. When he wouldn't step forward, I said to him, "Oh..I're stupid, right?" I guess he didn't read my post about "Courtesy". He showed none to those around him that were trying to deal with the overcrowded train.

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