Instead, I have a list of Stuff That Would Be Pretty Cool To Do This Year:
- Heal my %$#&*@# back!!!! I did something to it in mid December, and haven't been able to train fer shit since then. Was literally reduced to crawling on all fours to go squeeze the lemon....
- San-kyuu, maybe even Ni-kyu in Aikido
- Shodan in Iaido
- Start my own business, or at least a side job with the goal of working for myself and managing my own time = more time to train and...
- Travel to Australia, one of two places in the world I must go before I die (Japan being the other)
- Get home during the summer
- Post something that may actually be *interesting* on this blog
- Teach myself to play a few tunes on the Guitar by way of the lessond available on YouTube
Happy New Year!